Author Archives: admin

Changing perspectives upon Māori colonisation voyaging

Changing perspectives upon Māori colonisation voyaging, by Atholl Anderson Changing perspectives upon Maori colonisation voyaging

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Moana Nui, Mass Migration and Triangular Men

In 1996, in Making Peoples, Belich wrote that if Polynesian navigators could travel from some possible Hawaiki to New Zealand and then back again they were “in danger of becoming deified rather than merely superhuman”. Even the vikings, he observed, … Continue reading

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Blok fragment’s ‘View of Murderers Bay’ and SAC’s equivalent

Robert Jenkin writes: The SAC was evidently one of several Tasman Journals made in Batavia during the second half of 1643. More than one evidently reached the Netherlands in 1644 since on December 22nd 1643 The Council of The Indies … Continue reading

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A different theory to explain Blok fragment and its provenance

Robert Jenkin writes: What we now now know as the Blok fragment is a single leaf of paper slightly less than A3 in size with ink and wash drawings on both sides. It is held in the Netherlands State Archives … Continue reading

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Which waka was the subject of the sketch for ‘Murderers Bay’?

Robert Jenkin writes: In Traditional Maori Dress: Recovery of a Seventeenth–Century Style? Wallace has shown convincingly the documentary value of the close-up waka and its Maori  crew, as seen below in SAC and Blok alternatives. From where and at what … Continue reading

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Van Diemen and his Councillors did not put all their artists in one barque

Robert Jenkin writes: In 1898 Dutch Scholar J.E.Heeres produced, in Dutch and English versions, an edited edition of the State Archives Copy of the Tasman Journal (SAC) called Tasman’s Journal of his Discovery of Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand … Continue reading

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First Encounter 375 — May Newsletter CLICK HERE for the latest Abel Tasman Miscellany–mainly about plans for  First Encounter 375. You can receive the “miscellany” newsletters automatically; email your details to First Encounter 375 — a special logo as planning … Continue reading

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What happened to the 4th Dutch sailor after 19 December 1642?

Professor Richard Woolley brings his film-making skills to the world of words. His new novel Stranger Love builds on the facts recorded in Tasman’s journal to create a gripping story that begins in Amsterdam and ends in a Maori settlement where … Continue reading

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Netherlands Ambassador’s visit

Ambassador Rob Zaagman,  with his wife Monique and sister Ingrid, came to Golden Bay/Mohua on Saturday 5 March. Following a powhiri (formal welcome) at Onetahua Marae, they spent some time getting to know more about Abel Tasman National Park with … Continue reading

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Kupe’s Sails

Robert Jenkin wrote: After reading the 2007 New Zealand Book Award History  prize-winning book Vaka Moana (2006, K.Howe ed.) and Atholl Anderson’s chapters of the 2015 Royal Society of New Zealand Science Book prize-winning book Tangata Whenua I think I understand … Continue reading

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