2014: AT372

Thursday, 18 December 2014

10.30: Tasman Monument, Ligar Bay

Come to the national monument on the actual anniversary of Tasman’s meeting with local iwi 372 years ago. Share understanding of the events, the history of the monument site and its future.

5.30-7pm: Golden Bay Museum, Takaka

Hear the words from Tasman’s journal for that day, interspersed with recordings of traditional Maori instruments by Richard Nunns, matching the sounds described. Ask questions and enjoy some Dutch treats as well as our permanent displays.

Limited numbers; please register your name at the museum by 16 December (phone 525-6268).

Friday, 19 December 2014

12-4pm Walk: Wainui Bay to Taupo Point

Dave Horry (GBWeekly, 14 November) leads a walk to the pa site closest to Tasman’s anchorage and will talk about his research. Meet at Wainui Bay carpark with lunch, drink bottle and sunhat.


Taupo Point