
Have your say about anything Tasman related:

5 Responses to Discussion

  1. Kia Ora – Hallo, I was so pleased to hear of the Encounter375 event. My Dutch parents were part of the post WW2 emigration process. I struggle with my place and belonging in Aotearoa -Nieuw-Zeeland. To help with this I developed an art practice project connecting my Dutch culture with Māori artist friends through symbolism and bodies. It is about merged identities and the emotional complexities behind them. My work ‘Kōtuitui’ done with artist James Bellaney of Māori/Scottish descent has designs on me taken from a Delft vase in the Rijksmuseum. One day I hope to bring this the Netherlands.

  2. Ann Norton says:

    Hi Penny and Robert,
    My name is Ann and I am a direct decendent of Abel Tasmans. I was present with my aunty Ivy Ngatai for the unveiling of the Abel Tasman statue in Nelson in 2000. On behalf of the family I would like to thank you both very much for all the hard work and dedication that yous have put forward on behalf of my ancestor. I did not make it to the 375th commemorations last year due to family obligations but I would like to be more involved in the future if at all possible. Can you please email me with any relevant information so that I can be an active participant in any future events that may arise.

  3. Michael Ross says:

    Kia ora
    I have just tonight discoverd Atholl Anderson’s paper “Changing perspectives upon Māori colonisation voyaging”. (2017) via this website.
    A joy to read, and to appreciate his razor-sharp thinking.
    However I think there is a critical element missing from the broader discussion, and that element may shine a new light on some of Atholl’s research.
    Food sources is that perspective.
    I am personally aware (source a living tohunga) that on two occassions, because of the wipe-out of kumera crops in Aotearoa, a particular iwi sailed to Rapanui and bought back new stock.
    That voyaging, from and to the east coastline of Aotearoa, may better inform this voyaging research.
    I am happy to pass the contact details to Atholl and his colleagues. Please use Penny as the reference point as she has my contact details. Penny, you have my permission.
    ngā mihi

  4. Michael Ross says:

    Ann Norton
    On 20 July 2018 at 6:47 am you posted a message:
    Hi Penny and Robert,
    My name is Ann and I am a direct decendent of Abel Tasmans. I was present with my aunty Ivy Ngatai for the unveiling of the Abel Tasman statue in Nelson in 2000.

    I have communicated with your Aunty Ivy in tha past, following an approach to me following exposure of my research into Abel Tasman. In fact I have a copy of an illustration of the moko of your ancestor who married Tasman’s male decendent.
    Very happy to talk with you.
    Please ask Penny for my contact details.
    Nga mihi

  5. cody says:


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